Compiled by

Brian P. Casey

There are debate topics appropriate to every occasion. Some are serious, some are not; and even topics apparently serious can be humorously treated in the right (or wrong) hands. Correspondingly, an apparently frivolous topic can be rendered concrete by appropriate definition.

The lists that follow attempt to provide examples of all sorts of resolutions. Regard the list as a starting point, not the end of your search: students prefer to debate topics they are personally interested in. Far better the list suggest a way of using a topic you want than that you feel obliged to use a listed topic you don’t want.

Let me say a preliminary word about drafting resolutions and general purpose "generic" resolutions.

The first convention is that resolutions should be worded affirmatively, and the second is that they should propose a change in the status quo (if they are resolutions of policy). These conventions are born of good sense: an affirmative wording is simpler and less ambiguous than a negative one, and a proposal for change allows issues to be talked about in a logical order. (If the affirmative defends the status quo, we then have the awkward situation where the first speaker must construct a "straw" list of reasons why the status quo might be changed and argue against them.)

It is also a convention that resolutions for Parliamentary debates be propositions of policy: in other words, the Government team must present a detailed Plan for their course of action. So, for example, in a debate on unemployment, the Government has an obligation to explain at what cost and by what means it proposes to reduce unemployment. The Opposition can win the debate, although agreeing that unemployment should be reduced, by disagreeing with the Government Plan. The resolution in a Parliamentary debate will often take the form "Be it resolved that the Government take greater steps to ...[reduce unemployment]" Almost any resolution may be made into an appropriuate resolution of policy by this or a similar wording.

It is rare, however, that Cross-Examination debates are on propositions of policy. They are normally resolutions of fact or value, such as "Vikings discovered America" or "Canadian television programming is more worthwhile than American television programming". In Cross-Examination debate, the resolution is often worded as a question; when this is done, the Affirmative in effect proposes that the answer is "yes" while the negative argues that the answer should be "no". The Cross-Examination resolution "Should police powers be enlarged?" could be worded "Be it resolved that police powers be enlarged." Almost any resolution may be made into an appropriate Cross-Examination resolution by this or similar wording.

Resolutions for other styles of debate may be propositions of Fact, Value or Policy. (Teams may wish to agree beforehand how they will proceed.)

Some of the best resolutions are "generic" resolutions - standard wordings into which you can incorporate a particular current topc. One standard one is to approve of a particular government policy: "Be it resolved that the government was correct in its decision to [invoke the War Measures Act; boycott the 1980 Olympic Games; abolish the Crow Rate; etc.]". A second standard wording considers items on the public agenda that are not yet decided: "Be it resolved that the government take steps to ... [state any item you wish legislated]."

A different sort of generic resolution is "Be it resolved that the two greatest problems facingt Canada today are ..." Each team secretly chooses two different problems, which the moderator ensures are not duplicated by the other team. When the debate bgins, each team learns (through the ordinary speeches) what problems the other team has chosen. In this debate, it is almost as if there were two affirmative teams: much emphasis is placed on clash and rebuttal. This is interesting to watch and an excellent training style of debate.

Be it resolved that:

Science and Technology

1. Computer literacy replace the traditional three "R’s" in Canadian high schools.

2. Computerized teaching aids be banned from the classroom.

3. Computerization will increase job opportunities for Canadians.

4. Computerization will improve living standards throughout the world.

5. Computerization will reduce the total number of jobs available to Canadians.

6. It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.

7. The production of test tube babies be prohibited.

8. Current and future attempts to create and prolong human life by artificial means serve the interest of


9. The research scientist be held responsible for the use to which society puts his research.

10. The salvation of our society lies in the Arts, not the Sciences.

11. Technological advances will be sufficient to overcome our dwindling resources.

12. Technology is a threat to individual privacy.

13. Science has greatly benefitted mankind.

14. Science is the opiate of the twentieth century.

15. Science and technology have advanced more rapidly than man’s understanding of them.

16. Space research is a waste of time and money.

17. The federal government take greater steps to promote research and development in Canada.

18. More money be spent on scientific research in Canada.

Education and the Schools

19. School is not necessary [or add, beyond grade __].

20. Education become a responsibility of the Federal Government.

21. Myths and legends have an important place in a good education.

22. Democratic education has produced a generation of illiterates.

23. The completion of high school does not qualify one to hold a job.

24. Today’s educational system is inadequate for the needs of today’s society.

25. High schools in our province are too permissive.

26. School standards be raised.

27. School examinations be abolished.

28. Universities demand an acceptable level of English language competency from applicants.

29. Chastity be a requirementr for university admission.

30. Strict discipline is the best way of raising children.

31. Religion be taught in all public schools in the province.

32. Sex education be compulsory.

33. Students who receive an "A" average be excused from final examinations.

34. Credit be given to students for participation in extra-curricular activities.

35. Extra-curricular activities be abolished.

36. Students be given one day a month to pursue individual research and study.

37. English classes should devote one period a week to oral work.

38. School uniforms be compulsory.

39. The strap be regularly employed as a means to enforce school discipline.

40. Government support be given to all accredited schools, whether public, private or separate.

41. Public and private [and separate] school systems be amalgamated.

42. Children are forced to grow up too soon.

43. University tuition fees be abolished.

44. Canadian universities adopt Canadian-first hiring policies.

45. Tenured positions be abolished in favour of a merit system.

46. Male teachers be required to wear suits and ties.

47. High school students should have a greater voice in school administration.

48. There should be merit pay for teachers.

49. High school students evaluate their teachers at least once a year.

50. A separate school system should be available for gifted students.

51. Monty Python is detrimental to the healthy development of young minds.

52. A four day school week is in the best interest of students.

53. The present public school system discriminates against the gifted student.

54. If, as has often been said, the great statesmen of Britain were created on the playing fields of Eton

and Harrow, then Canada, given its present educational system, will never have any great


55. Those who can, do; those who cannot, teach.

56. Contrary to popular opinion, teenagers today can receive no better education than a steady diet of

Police Woman, Kojack, Starsky & Hutch and similar programmes.

57. Government funded bilingual nurseries replace the present bilingual system.

58. Canada’s foreign aid be limited to education.

59. Comic books be banned.

60. Studying anything written before 1900 is a waste of time.

61. The events described in the book 1984 will occur.

62. Teachers are overpaid.

63. The Lord’s Prayer be said aloud at the beginning of each school day.

64. Students be paid to attend school after Grade 10.

65. Students be denied a credit if they are absent without explanation for 10% of the class.

66. Books are indispensible.

67. The students’ council try all discipline cases.

68. Education causes unhappiness.

69. Literature is essential to civilization.

70. High marks are relatively meaningless.

71. Computer literacy replace the traditional three "R’s" in Canadian high schools.

72. The present educational system be changed significantly to prepare students better for employment


73. The federal government be given responsibility for education.

74. All students in Grades 8 to __ be required to participate in one extra-curricular course.

75. School attendance be optional.

76. High school dances are an endurance contest.

77. A course in etiquette be required for high school graduation.

78. Computerized teaching aids be bannd from the classroom.

79. Debating is the finest form of educational experience.

80. University admission be restricted to an intellectual elite.

81. Literacy is declining in the western world.

82. Canadian strudents receive too much formal education.

83. The study of the classics is a waste of time.

84. Poverty is a greater evil to society than illiteracy.

85. One’s vocabulary bears a positive relationsip to one’s ability to think.

86. The school system be reformed to take twelve months a year.

87. The voting system be reformed to give preference to voters according to their education and


88. Current high school education is obsolete.

89. A smoking room should be set aside for students in school.

90. History teaches us nothing.

91. Slang serves a useful purpose in modern vocabulary.


92. Today’s western society is immoral.

93. Western civilization is in a state of imminent and irreversible decay.

94. The North American standard of living contributes unnecessarily to a world wide food and

energy shortage.

95. The values of North American civilization are artificial.

96. Canadian self-determination is a myth.

97. Canada has a civilization worth preserving.

98. Nationalism is the greatest evil of the twentieth century.

99. The proximity of the United States is more advantageous than detrimental to Canada.

100. All Canadians should be bilingual.

101. Canadian immigration policies should be based purely on national self-interest.

102. The federal government foster the development of a Canadian identity through a policy of cultural

and racial integration.

103. Canadians have a sense of identity.

104. The Fine Arts are essential to civilization.

105. Art is for the few.

106. A really well-made button hole [fly] is the only link between Art and Nature.

107. Man is mainly a product of his society.

108. The twentieth century has seen the deterioration of the ideals of Renaissance Man.

109. Modern Art is merely ego.

110. McDonald’s is the most significant social influence in Canada.

111. The "Canadian Mosaic" is doomed to failure in the next twenty years.

112. The C.B.C. be abolished.

113. Modern music is inferior to classical music.

Govt funded bilingual nurseries

Studying anything written before 1900

114. Literature is essential to civilization.

115. Canadian culture is controlled by the United States.

116. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.

117. Music is the mirror of society.

Men and Women

118. The female of the species is deadlier than the male.

119. The Women’s Liberation Movement was a waste of time.

120. "Frailty, thy name is Woman."

121. A man’s place is in the kitchen.

122. Women make the best men.

123. A woman’s place is in the home.

124. Women should receive equal pay for equal work.

125. Women should receive equal pay for work of equal value.

126. Girls should help pay the cost of a date.

Male teachers wear ties.

127. Women are best kept barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.

128. Gentlemen prefer blondes.

129. Faint heart never won fair lady.

130. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

131. The family is an outmoded institution.

132. Couples should be prevented from having more than two children.

133. Men are clay and women make mugs of them.

134. The government should pay women to have children.

135. A teenage girl has more to gain from marriage than a teenage boy.

136. Marriage be prohibited before age twenty.

137. Real men don’t eat quiche.

138. Women priests can be of service to the Roman Catholic Church.

139. The institution of marriage is obsolete.

140. The federal government take steps to better protect the rights of women.

141. Women have too much freedom in modern society.

142. The federal government pay women for their work in raising a family.


143. The Kinsey Reports are a value to society.

144. Chastity is outmoded.

145. Some non-military form of national service be compulsory.

146. U.F.O.’s exist.

147. The Billy Graham method of evangelism is necessary in our age.

148. Competition is beneficial to human well being.

149. Man should seek commitment rather than freedom.

150. Animals should not be maintained in captivity merely for human enjoyment.

151. Young children’s fairy tales contribute to violence in society.

152. Poverty is but a state of mind.

153. Poverty is more of an occasion and provocation of crime than wealth.

154. The work ethic is obsolete.

Poverty is a greater evil than illiteracy.

155. Erich van Daniken’s theories are correct.

156. Families be restricted to one car.

157. The automobile is a luxury today’s society can no longer afford.

158. The government impose greater controls on business.

159. Preservation of the natural environment take precedence over industrial development.

160. The world will ultimately starve.

161. The social welfare state has sapped individual initiative.

162. The commonwealth concept is out of date.

163. International games do more harm than good.

164. The Olympic Games, as presently constituted, be abolished.

165. Overdevelopment is a greater threat to world peace than under-development.

166. The United Nations is a failure as a force of peace.

167. Nationalism is a necessity.

168. Extremism in the defence of liberty is no vice.

169. Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others.

Science opiate of 20th century

Science & technology advanced faster than understanding

170. Apathy is preferable to activism.

171. Progress is an illusion.

172. Convicted murderers be hanged without recourse to appeal.

173. The energy crisis is a blessing in disguise.

174. Space research is a waste of time and money.

175. Tipping be abolished.

176. The utopian state is a dream.

177. North American sports encourage an atmosphere of violence.

178. North Americans are gluttons.

179. Nationalism is the last refuge of the scoundel.

Poets unacknowledged legislators.

180. A fool at forty is a fool indeed.

181. Thed most serious problem facing this country is an excess of freedom.

182. In politics, principles ought to give way to pragmatism.

183. Politics is an honourable profession.

184. Politics is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to politicians.

185. Party politics is for people without principles.

186. Just as the USA had to have the Watergate scandal as part of its maturation process, so Canada

would have had to invent the RCMP scandal if it had not come along.

187. The best way to meet the separatist threat would be to make Lucien Bouchard the prime minister of


188. The United States is a greater threat to world peace than Communist China.

189. Any national police force charged with the responsibility for national security must break the law to

carry out its duties effectively.

190. If God had intended to condone promiscuous sex, He would not have invented veneral disease.

The institution of marriage is obsolete.

191. A minority government is the most productive form of government.

192. Law enforcement is biased against the young.


Events described in 1984 will occur.

193. Marijuana is a dangerous drug.

194. One’s vocabulary bears a positive relationship to one’s ability to think.

Girls should share cost of date.

Women priests of service to Catholic Church.

195. This House would have preferred if Plymouth Rock had landed on the Pilgrim Fathers.

196. Husbands teach their wives to drive.

197. The working day be staggered.

198. Every Canadian be issued an identification card.

199. Personalities have replaced issues in Canadian politics.

200. Daylight savings time is a beneficial institution.

201. Youth of today have a more difficult life than the youth of thirty years ago.

202. Science has greatly benefitted mankind.

203. There should be medicare for animals.

204. The celebration of Christmas is too commercialized.

205. The interests of our province would be better served by secession from Canada.

206. The secession of ___ from Canada would be in the best interests of the rest of Canada.

207. Separatist parties be declared illegal.

208. Professional athletes compete in the Olympic Games.

209. Britain should withdraw from Northern Ireland.

210. Britain was correct in its decision to retake the Falkland Islands by force.

211. Violence for political purposes produces positive results.

Nationalism greatest evil of 20th century.

212. The monarchy is desirable and necessary to Canada.

213. World government is the nest solution to world problems.

Proximity of US more advantageous than detrimental to Canada.

214., Revolution is the most effective way to accomplish political change.

215. Canada’s mixed economy provides greater equality of opportunity than does the American

economic system.

216. The rising tide of crime and violence calls for more emphasis on police protection and less

emphasis on civil liberties.

217. Greater authoritarianism in government is in the best interests of Canadians.

218. Electronic surveillance systems administered by licensed police agents are a justified means of

protecting the public.

219. Euthanasia is morally just.

220. Laws restricting pornography have no place in a democratic society.

221. Canadian public servants not have the right to strike.

222. Canadian divorce laws be reformed.

223. A republican form of government would better serve the interests of Canadians than the present

Canadian system.

224. Capital punishment is a better deterrent to murder than life imprisonment.

225. Airline skyjacking be punished by life imprisoiment.

226. A bath is better than a shower.

227. One should face the taps when taking a bath.

228. Dreams come from indigestion.

229. A man’s worth to society is proportionate to the amount of money he owes.

230. Nationalism is a mere whimsy.

231. International problems require imperial solutions.

232. Bo Derek be appointed director of Fitness Canada.

233. Never before has so much been owed by so many to so few.

234. One should be buried vertically rather than horizontally.

235. The H-weapon is hunger.

236. Groucho did more good for mankind than Karl.

237. This generation pities its descendants.

238. Santa’s elves have the right to strike.

239. Snoopy is a war monger.

240. The Canadian government require all Canadians to retire at age 65.

241. The government take steps to increase the state of readiness of the Canadian Armed Forces.

242. Ottawa be made a separate political jurisdiction.

243. Canadians need heroes.

Real men don’t eat quiche.

244. The Young Offenders Act is in the interests of young Canadians.

245. Property is theft.

246. The location of the U.N. be moved to a more neutral country.

247. The government provide for a February holiday.

248. The Maritime Provinces be amalgamated to form a single province.

School system be reformed to take place 12 months at a time.

249. The Canadian government adopt a low interest rate policy.

250. The Canadian government more stringently regulate junk food.

251. The Canadian government more strictly regulate video arcades.

252. Canadian courts play a larger role in supervising government action.

253. Present labour legislation be repealed.

254. International law is an effective means of dealing with international problems.

255. The treatment of Japanese Canadians during the Second World War was contrary to law.

256. The time has come for repeal of the social contract.

257. The execution of Charles the 1st was not treason.


voting system give preferrence based on education etc.

Current high school education is obsolete.

258. The Canadian banking system better serves the interests of Canadians than any other system.

259. This century has seen the end of the European Era.

260. This century has seen the demise of the common law.

261. The legal system in Canada be changed to permit only those trained as barristers to practise in the


262. The twentieth century represents the denial of rationalism.

263. Fairy tales are essential to modern society.

264. The present volume of legislation is necessary to deal justly with the different circumstances of

those before the law.

265. Greater development and use of nuclear energy is desirable.

Government should pay women to have children.

Smoking room be set aside for students in school.

266. Watching poorer quality TV shows induces uncritical acceptance of unreal values.

Teenage girl has more to gain from marriage than teenage boy.

267. Comic books be banned.

People prohibited from marrying before age 20.

Studying anything before 1900 waste of time.

268. Canadian youth has no challenges to respond to.

269. Modern music is inferior to classical music.

270. Teachers are over-paid.

271. Drinking alcohol be prohibited.

Women have too much freeedom in modern society.

272. It would be desirable if we had the ability to read one another’s mind.

273. It was safer to live anywhere in the world 200 years ago than it is today.

274. Human immortality is desirable.

275. Public nudity be permitted.

Faint heart never won fair lady.

276. Man is the most noble of beasts.

277. War toys be outlawed.

Lord’s Prayer be said aloud at beginning of school.

Students paid to attend after Grade 10.

Better to have loved and lost

Not nice to fool Mother Nature

278. Political union with the United States would be desirable for Canada.

279. Money can buy happiness.

280. Fear is a positive emotion.

281. Up is better than down.

Students denied credit if miss over 10-% of class

Books are indispensible.

Students council, try all discipline cases

282. Mankind is inherently evil.

283. Television is an invention to be regretted.

284. It is easier to be a teenager than an adult.

285. Dogs are better than cats.

286. Education causes unhappiness.

287. No sports or entertainment figure should be permitted to earn more than $50,000.00 per year.

288. Men need to be liberated.

289. Red is better than blue.

290. The unfit be sterilized.

291. Organized sports for children under 16 do more harm than good.

292. Communism is evil.

293. Democracy is outmoded.

294. Canada end its spending on national defence.

295. Literature is essential to civilization.

Canadian culture controlled by US

296. Gossip be made illegal.

High marks are relatively meaningless.

297. Commercial radio and television be abolished.

298. Nobody should be able to earn more than $50,000.00 per year.

299. Money is the root of all evil.

300. The world is a better place because of mankind’s presence.

301. The Canadian economy requires increased growth regardless of the consequences.

302. Canada’s economy would be improved by a system that more greatly rewarded individual


303. The creation of a civilian spy agency authorized to break the law is necessary for national security.

Computerization will increase job opportunities for Canadians.

Computerization will reduce the total number of jobs available to Canadians.

304. Computerization will improve living standards throughout the world.

305. The federal government significantly increase the penalties under the Criminal Code.

306. The federal government significantly reduce the number of Crown corporations.

307. The federal government’s legislative authority be significantly reduced.

Present educational system significantly changed to prepare students better for employment opportunities

308. The federal government significantly reduce its spending on social services in order to produce a

balanced budget.

309. More stringent laws be enacted to combat terrorism.

310. The Canadian airline industry be re-regulated.

311. Provincial governments be given greater control over the management and development of natural


312. The Atlantic fishery be restructured.

313. The federal government enact stringent legislation to curb monopolies in the media.

314. Lawyers be prohibited from defending clients whom they believe to be guilty.

315. The development of western civilization allows us to conclude that Man’s existence is of greater

benefit than detriment.

316. Provincial governments be abolished.

317. The present electoral system be replaced by one based on proportional representation.

318. The Canadian government campaign internationally for greater equality of wealth between

North/South countries.

319. The Canadian government take greater steps to protect Canadian wildlife.

320. All provincial governments be required to entrench the protection of minority language groups.

321. Canada campaign internationally for the release of prisoners of conscience.

322. Canadian nationalism is a hindrance to internationalism.

323. American imperialism is a greater threat to world peace than Chinese imperialism.

324. The Canadian government campaign for the establishment of a Palestinian homeland.

325. The Canadian government was correct in its decision to impose metric measurement in Canada.

326. The federal government take greater steps to ensure the protection of minority rights.

327. The federal government take greater steps to promote Canadian unity.

328. The federal government encourage the development of greater ties with [the Commonwealth, third

world countries, the U.S.A., etc.]

329. The federal government take steps to [stimulate economic growth, create jobs, promote research

and development, encourage the location and development of high technology, etc.]

330. Canada significantly increase its contribution to foreign aid.

331. The Canadian government take steps to better protect the rights of women.

332. The federal government take steps to reduce the size of the public service.

333. The federal government take steps to decentralize the public service.

334. The best offence is a strong defence.

Computer literacy replace the three R’s

335. The celebration of St. Valentine’s Day be abolished.

336. Young people have rights proportional to their responsibilities under Canadian law.

337. Structures over the age of 50 years that can be renovated be preserved.

338. Western separatism is a solution to western Canadian problems.

339. The legal drinking age in Canada be abolished.

All students in Grades 8 to 13 be required to take at least one extra-curricular activitiy.

340. The federal government permit the use of heroin in the treatment of cancer.

341. The federal government prohibit hunting as a sport.

342. Compensation for emotional distress be paid to parents who lose a child as a result of violent


343. Martial law is better than civil law.

344. The power of the Minister of Immigration to grant political asylum be withdrawn.

345. Crime does pay.

346. Youthful idealism is dead.

347. Youth of today are boring.

348. Good fences make good neighbours.

349. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

350. School attendance be optional.

351. The teen years are the best of one’s life.

352. The delivery of mail be contracted to private businesses.

353. Love is a snare and a delusion.

354. To be great is to be misunderstood.

High school dances are an endurance contest.

355. Today is the most glorious day in the history of Caada.

356. Movies are better than ever.

357. The Barbarians are at the gates.

358. Virtue is its own punishment.

359. Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.

360. You are what you wear.

361. Beauty is a curse.

Course in etiquette required for high school graduation.

362. There are no more heroes.

363. The sheep be separated from the goats.

364. Rock music is destructive to civilization.

365. Pac Man is a dangerous foreign invader.

366. The book is man’s noblest creation.

367. The dog is man’s best friend.

368. Only fools speak the truth.

369. Modern man is a wimp.

370. Insecurity is the hallmark of the Canadian.

371. The Canadian government declare Canada a nuclear weapons-free zone.

372. The Canadian government withdraw its approval for the testing of the Cruise missile.

373. Canadian governments increase their patronage of the Arts.

374. Canadians be fined for failing to vote.

375. The government provide free day care to all Canadian children.

376. The federal government ban the annual seal hunt.

377. Political power be decentralized.

Computerized aids be banned from classroom.

Debating is finest form of educational experience.

Universitry admission be restricted to an intellectual elite.

378. Literacy is declining in the western world.

379. Canadian students receive too much formal education.

The study of the classics is a waste of time.

380. The development of scarce world resources should be controlled by an international organization.

381. Canada cease exporting nuclear technology and fuels.

382. Canada adopt a policy of mandatory waste recycling.

383. The federal government regulate the use and ownrship of private motor vehicles.

384. Religion is the root of all evil.

385. The salvation of our society lies in the Arts, not the Sciences.

386. Music is a mirror of society.

387. Freedom is harder to live with than regimentation.

388. Affluence is destroying our civilization.

History teaches us nothing.

389. This House approves of Civil Disobedience.

390. The needs of the few should give way to the needs of the many.

391. Discretion is the better part of valour.

392. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

393. The truth will out.

394. Variety is the spice of life.

395. Honourable failure is preferable to dishonourable success.

396. More money be spent on scientific research in Canada.

397. Technological advances will be sufficient to overcome our dwindling resources.

398. Technology is a threat to individual privacy.

399. Freedom in our society is an illusion.

The family is an outmoded institution.

400. Homosexuality ought to be a crime.

401. Slang serves a useful purpose in modern vocabulary.

Couples should be prevented from having more than two children.

402. Little leagues do more harm than good.

403. Professional sports are of no value in modern society.

Women are best barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.

Men are clay and women make mugs of them.

404. The coyote deserves to catch the road runner.

405. Humpty Dumpty got what he deserved.

406. The present emphasis in our society on rights at the expense of responsibilities is destructive of


407. A man’s home is his castle.

408. Sex is an outmoded form of communication.

409. A young man should go west.

410. [Name a group, such as those convicted of drug offences] be prohibited from teaching in public


Modern Issues

411. Government policy in Canada should be to limit, rather than promote, economic growth.

412. Measures should be taken to increase public involvement in the political process.

413. The federal government take stronger measures to develop the natural resources of the North.

414. The federal government take stronger measures to reduce the economic disparity between the


415. Measures be taken to reduce the migration of rural populations to large cities.

416. The federal government establish a programme to limit population growth in Canada.

417. The federal government grant provincial status to the Yukon Territory.

418. The government take greater steps to improve the physical fitness of Canadians.

419. The government take stronger steps to protect individual privacy.

419. Genetic enginering be made illegal.

420. Euthanasia be legalized.

421. The federal government enact legislation to significantly curtail the number of immigrants entering


Research scientist be held responsible for the use to which society puts his research.

422. The provincial government institute a more stringent requirement for the licensing of drivers.

The driving age be increased to ___.

Governing bodies be denied all powers of censorship.

The federal government increase its subsidy of Canadian athletes in order to produce more medal winners at the next Olympic Games.

Federal government foster development of Canadian identity through a policy of racial and cultural integration.

Federal government pay Canadian women for their work in raising a family.

Property taxes should be replaced by an increased Income Tax.

The CRTC take stronger measures to improve the quality of television programming in Canada.

Highway speed limits be lowered.

More stringent controls be placed on the gathering and use of information on Canadians.

430. Mandatory seat belt legislation be [enacted / repealed].

431. Police powers be enlarged.

432. Current and future attempts to create and prolong human life by artificial means serve the interests of humanity.

433. The production of "test-tube babies" be prohibited.
OR Bilingual government-funded nurseries replace the present bilingual programme.

434. Private automobiles be prohibited from the downtown area of _____.

435. The federal government should more strictly regulate advertising in Canada.

436. The Queen should be replaced as Head of State.

437. Laws restricting abortion in Canada be repealed.

438. Laws restricting pornography [freedom of expression] be repealed.

439. The death penalty be resurrected for [name particular crime, such as terrorism].

440. C.P. Rail be made a Crown corporation.

441. The government enact right-to-work legislation.
OR A four day work week is in the interests of Canadians.

442. The physically fit earn a tax credit.

443. Campaigns for public office be financed entirely by the tax payer.

444. Canada adopt one official language.

445. Canada enact more stringent gun control legislation.

446. Young Offenders be tried in open court.

447. Major changes be made in the provincial legal aid plan.

448. The drinking age be raised.

449. Canada adopt a more restrictive system of parole.

450. Evidence in court cases be made public only in the event of a conviction.

451. The rights of defendants in criminal proceedings be significantly curtailed.

452. B.C. institute a system of pre-paid legal insurance.

453. Beer and wine be sold in grocery stores.

454. The government significantly reduce its funding of social welfare programmes.

455. A negative income tax replace the present social welfare system.

456. The unemployment insurance system be abolished.

457. The federal government provide jobs to all those who want to work who are unemployed.

458. There be a guaranteed annual income.

459. The sale of marijuana take place under government regulation.

460. Canada adopt a single transferable ballot in elections.

461. The Canadian Senate be reformed.

462. A formal recall system be instituted to hold elected representatives accountable.

463. Municipal levels of government be abolished.

464. The Canadian confederation be dismantled.

465. Canada adopt a system of city states.

466. The provinces of Canada be replaced by urban and regional zones.

467. Public servants in Canada be denied the right to strike.

468. Compulsory, binding arbitration replace the rights to strike and lock out.

469. The involvement of foreign labour unions in Canada be limited.

470. The activities of organized labour are detrimental to Canadian interests.

471. The Canadian government take steps to curb the power of organized labour.

472. The Canadian government submit the claims of Canada’s aboriginal peoples to the world court for adjudication.

The preservation of the natural environment take precedence over industrial development.

473. The federal government control all natural resources and energy.

474. Primary resource industries be nationalized.

475. Production of non-renewable natural resources be restricted to present levels.

476. The sale of Canadian property and bunsinesses be subject to more rigorous review by the federal


477. Canada withdraw from all military alliances.

World peace depends on the maintenance of a strong nuclear deterent.

478. Canada should gradually eliminate its nuclear power generating stations.

World goverenment is the best solution to international problems.

479. The U.N. accept as members representatives of any group aspiring to nationhood.

480. The United Nations strongly urge all governments to give priority to the protection of the environment rather than to the expansion of industry.

The Un aid only those lesser developed countries that enforce family planning.

482. All members of the United Nations contribute to a world food bank.

483. The United Nations be abolished.
OR The United Nations is a failure as a force for world peace.

484. Canada’s foreign policy be changed to ....

485. Canada play a greater role in peace-keeping.

486. Canada’s foreign aid policy be based on the principle "Charity begins at home".

487. Canada significantly increase its aid to developing countries.
OR Canada’s foreign aid be limited to education.

488. Canada enter a continental energy pact with the United States.

489. Canada enter an economic union with the U.S.A.

490. Canada impose greater restriuctions on foreign investment in Canadian natural resources.

491. American investment in Canada be curtailed to ensure Canada’s survival as an independent nation.

492. The C.B.C. be abolished.

493. Canadians be required to serve for 18 months in an agency designated by the federal government.

494. Western countries cease meddling in the internal affairs of South Africa.

495. Environmental protection groups do more harm than good.

496. The U.N. raise, equip and maintain a standing army.

497. Prostittion be de-criminalized.

498. The rule of stare decisis in the Supreme Court of Canada be abolished.

499. The jury system be abolished in Canada.


The federal government significantly reduce its spending on social services in order to produce a balanced budget.

Federal government stimulate economic growth, etc.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

The development of scarce world resources be controlled by an international organization.

Canada adopt a policy of mandatory waste recycling.

Poverty is but a state of mind.

Poverty is more of an occasion and provocation of crime than wealth.

Poverty is a greater evil to society than illiteracy.

The government impose greater controls on business.

Over-development is a greater threat to world peace than under-development.

The energy crisis is a blessing in disguise.

Canada’s mixed economy provides greater equality of opportunity than does the American economic system.

Property is theft.

The CanAdian government adopt a low interest rate policy.

The Canadian banking system better sefves the interests of Canadians than any other system.

Affluence is destroying our civilization.

Govcernment policy in Canada should be to limit, rather than promote, economic growth.

The federal government take stronger measures to reduce trhe economic didsparity between the provinces.

Property taxes be replaced by an increased income tax.

The government significantly reduce its funding of social welfare programmes.

A negative income tax replace the present social wqelkfare system.

Primary resource industries be nationalized.

Money can buy happiness.

Canada enter an economic union with the U.S.A.

Money is the root of all evil.

The Canadian economy requires increased growth regardlkess of the consequences.

Canad’s economy would be improved by a system that more greatly rewarded individual initiative.

Women should receive equal pay for equal work (work of equal value).

The Media

Leisure time is a menace to modern society.

The freedom of the mass media be curtailed.

The news media contribute to violence in today’s society.

The newsmedia be held responsible for the accuracy of their reporting.

Modern forms of advertising are more advAntageous than detreimrental to society.

Advertiing is the most effective means of providing consumer information.

Television dictates our way of life.

RTelevision violence has an adverse effect on viewers.

Television has a detrimental influence on education.

Mont7y Python is detrimental to the healthy development of young minds.

elevision encourages violent behavior in viewers.

Television violence is addictive.

Children’s television programming be free from commercial advertising.

The Camnadian content of prime time television be increased.

The number of television shows involving crime and violence be reduced.

Sporting activities featuriung violence and aggression be banned from all forms of media.

Television is the Opiate of the People.

Television programming reflects public taste.

Television is a wasteland.

The CRTC take stronger measures to improve the quality of television in Canada.

Contrary to populatr opinion, teenagers today can receive no better education than a steady diet of Police Woman, Kojack, Starsky & Hutcxh and similatr programmes.

Any further increase in leisure time would be detrimental to Canadian welfare.

The CBC be abolished.

Watching poorer quality TV shows induces uncritical acceptance of unreal values.

Laws restricting pornography have no place in a democratic society.

Movies are better than ever.

The federal government ebnact stringent legislation to curb monopolides in the media.

Commercial radio and television be abolished.

TV is an invenbtion to be regretted.

The federal government more strictly regulate advertising in Canada.

Laws restricting freeedom of expression be repealed.

Evidence in court cases be made public onlky in the event of as conviction.

The CRTC take stronger measures to improve the quality of television programming in Canada.

Historical Figure Topics

(All of the followiong are topics that were used in the Winston Churchill societuy debates. The form, however, is one that is appropriuate for considering the actions and nature of any historical or current figure.)

At this point in tiome, Churchill is justyifiably the "manb of the cenbtury".

Churchill would fail as a modern Commonwealth leader.

Contemporary events demand leadership in the Churchillian mode.

Churchill’s greatest spech was that delivered at Fulton, Missouri.

Churchill was first a solder and only by default a statesman.

Churchill was an anachronism.

Churchill wqas duped at Yalta.

World War II would have been avoidedv had England heeded Churchill.

India would have been England’s Dien Bien Phu had Churchill remained Prime M<inisterafter World War II.

Churchill was justified in ordering the destructive of the French fleet at Mers0-el-Kebir.

Something Lighter

It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.

Up is better than down.

Dogs are btter than cats.

Gossiup be made illegal.

The best offence is a strong defence.

The celebration of Valenbtine’s Day be abolished.

High scjhool dances are an endurance contest.

The Barbarians are at the gats.

You are what you wear.

The sheep be separated from the goats.

Pac Man is a dangerous foreign invadr.

Modern man is a wim,p.

The Kinsey Reports are a benefit to society.

Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for trhe curious qattr8iactiveness of others.

A really well-made button-hole [fly] is the only link between Art and Nature.

A fool at forty is a fool indeed.

If God had intended to condone prmiscuous sex, He would not have invented vebnereal disease.

A bath is better than a shower.

One shoukd face the taps when taking a bath.

Dreams come from indigestion.

Bo Derek be appointed director of Fitness Canada.

One should be buried vertically rather than horizointally.

Groucho did more good for mankind than Karlk.

Santa’s elves have the right to estrike.

Snoopy is a war monger.

Real men don’t eat quiche.

Chastity ne made a requirement for university Adm9ission.

McDonald’s is the most significant aocial influence in Canada.

The coyote deserves to catch the road runner.

Humpty Dumpty got what he deserved.

Yes, Vurginia, there is a Santa Claus.


-The best things in life are free.

-Gentlemen prefer blondes.

-The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

-The female of the species is deadlier than the male.

-Big goverbnment is bad government,

-Ignorance is bliss.

-Hippiness is happiness.

-Those who cam, do; those who cannot, teach.

-History repeats itself.

-The end justifies the means.

-It is time to pull in the reins.

-I am my brother’s keeper.

-Every country has the government it deserves.

-Music hath vharms to soothe a savage breast.

-Infants enjoy infancy miore than adults enjoy Adsultery.

-Youth is too precious a commodity to be wasted on the young.

-No prophet has more peace than a child at rest.

-If Russia did not exist, it would be necessary to invent her.

-What is good for the pocketbook is good for the heart.

-Imitation is the sincewrest form of flattery.

-Justice be brought into the streets.

-Women make the best men.

-Extremism in the defence of liberty is no vice.

-Faint heart never won fair lady.

-It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.

-It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

-Money is the root of all evil.

-Good fences make good neighbours.

-There is no such thing as a free lunch.

-Discretion is the beter part of valour.

-A rolling styone athers no moss.

-Variety is the spicce of life.

-Truth will out

-Women are best barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.